Leisure School offers an online course designed to teach you how to book luxury homes, 5-star resorts, and first class airfare, all for less than you’d pay for a Motel 8 and Greyhound bus ticket.
Leisure School is the leading online program designed to teach you how to access luxury accommodations and first class travel for less than the cost of a cheap motel and bus ticket.
The program covers the basics, how to get high-end timeshares for free, how to access and navigate luxury home exchange sites as well as how to save big on airfare and fly first class for less than the cost of flying in economy.
The course consists of 6 easy-to-follow 20-minute videos, resource lists, action steps, done-for-you templates and much more.
All the training is online, in the private member-only site. You can start the course whenever you’re ready, take the classes on your own schedule, and learn at your own pace.
Once you’ve signed up, you have access to the course material for life. And, if you have questions, we offer excellent support to our valued customers!
Barrett Masso founded and leads the Leisure School sessions. Early in his career, he was the top timeshares sales agent in his company. There, he discovered how to leverage timeshares to gain access to amazing vacations for a fraction of what he had been paying for years. Following that, Barrett left sales to begin teaching people how to gain access to luxury travel using the strategies he developed. Barrett is now an entrepreneur, avid traveler, and teacher. His knowledge and passion for this come across in his honest, enthusiastic and strategic approach.